Today I would like to share one of my most recent obsessions: terrariums…
I am soooo in love with this art form I cannot even stand it. I think it all started shortly after my Mom bought a beautiful and huge, antique apothecary jar when she was visiting me a few years ago. See, she had flown up here and like we always do when we get together, we shopped ‘til we dropped and she bought several things that she could not take on the plane because they were too large (this usually happens). In the past I either drive the goodies down to her or she and my dad would drive up and retrieve their booty. But as soon as I saw this apothecary jar I knew that bad boy would never leave my possession, but I played it cool and let her think she was getting it for herself.
*My Mommy’s Apothecary Jar*
This is George, my baboon
Upon returning from that particular shopping trip we unloaded the car, and I carefully carried that beautiful jar up to my living room, placed it on the table. So here how the next few moments went:
ME: Mom, this jar may break if you try to take it home on the plane. Maybe you should just leave it here for now and I’ll make sure it stays safe.
MOM: Oh I think I can get it home just fine.
ME: Maybe, but it would sure be a shame if it broke and you and Dad are going to be driving up here in a few months so you could just take it home then.
MOM: You are not going to keep this jar.
ME: *Smile*
Well, long story shortened, it’s been about two years since she bought that jar, my folks have driven up here several times, and I still have it prominently displayed in my living room..
Mom, if I haven’t already said it, Thank you for the beautiful jar!!!
So since then I have discovered air plants. Oh my how I love these little guys. They are so cute and easy to work with. Here are the terrariums I have created so far.
* Floating desert*
my first creation.
*Medusa at the beach*
*Fairy Forest*
*Carries B-day Gift*
*Fiona the fox*
So last night was water the air plants night. For those of you unfamiliar with how this is done, from what I understand there are two ways to do this. Either you mist them or you soak them. I prefer the soaking method. I was told that they should be soaked for about an hour then placed on a towel to remove the excess water before they are placed back in their terrarium home. Well this is where the “SIDE TRACKED” part of this post come in. I gathered all of my plants placed them in the water bowls and about three hours later remembered they were still soaking. I believe they are all ok, but my question is, “can you drowned a plant that needs to be soaked?”
I have come to accept that my brain gets side tracked sometimes (ok a lot of the time) but there are a lot of advantages to the whole, ever changing, one thing leads to another, just go with it approach to life. Most importantly because of this I have had many adventures because I acted on a whim. On the downside, yea, about that, let’s just say that there are days that I should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery.
Well that’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, now get out there and enjoy the flora & fauna of your world.
P.S. For you local folks, if you are interested in air plants or terrariums, here are my favorite local shops:
Artemisia Garden Nursery 110 SE 28th Ave, Portland, OR - 503-232-8224
Pistils Nursery 3811 N Mississippi Ave. Portland, OR - 503-288-4889
Paxton Gate 4204 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR - 503-719-4508