Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday Week? Really?

Ok maybe I'm just getting old, but in my day we didn't start Christmas shopping until the day after Thanksgiving, and Santa absolutely stayed up at the North Pole until the very end of the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. But these days you can't even get through Halloween before some stores start stocking their shelves with the red and green. And something else that has been bugging me for a while: a certain coffee shop (who shall remain nameless –mostly because I don’t want to take the chance of getting banned from getting my yummy Americano with soy milk) was handing out their special edition holiday cups on November 1st. Come on now i hadn't even gotten the pumpkin off my porch by then. And now we have BLACK FRIDAY WEEK (that doesn’t even make any sense). Add to that the threat of employees picketing Wal-Mart for opening on Thanksgiving day (honestly, I think there are more reason than that to protest them, but that is a whole other rant). Am I the only one who thinks this is freakin’crazy?

My hubby thinks the only reason Black Friday is so popular is so people have an excuse to behave like the true animals they are. Maybe he is on to something. He is a pretty smart guy, after all he was able to tame this Siren.

That's it for now my lovelies. Happy thanksgiving eve.


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